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Adelaide's "Mobile Wardrobe" Service

MARCH 09, 2018 CMV Group

Two converted vans will start delivering brand new clothes to people in need as part of an Australian-first "Mobile Wardrobe" service. Mobile Wardrobes are purpose-fitted vans stocked with excess clothing from fashion houses. The vans travel to AnglicareSA outlets and community centres in Adelaide distributing new clothes and shoes to people who otherwise would not be able to afford brand label clothing. CMI Toyota, with the support of the CMV Group Foundation, were very pleased to supply one of these vehicles. Pictured above is Paul Crawford, CMV Group Managing Director, with Olive Bennell from AnglicareSA, volunteers Pam Aulich and Helen Power and Thread Together CEO Greg Fisher at the "Mobile Wardrobe" launch. A selection of photos from the launch can be seen below, photographed by Israel Baldago. Click here to read the article in InDaily.


Tags: Sponsorship