• 48 Greenhill Road, Wayville SA 5034
  • (08) 8238 5566


This year the CMV Group’s Victorian branches held their annual Christmas Family Day at the Melbourne Museum.

With all employees and their families invited to join us in celebrating the festive season, it was fantastic to see so many taking the opportunity to explore the Museum’s galleries, including the Forest, Mind & Body, Science & Life plus the Children’s Gallery & Garden!

To get everyone even more excited for Father Christmas’ arrival, ‘Toby’ the T-Rex joined us! Most of the kids (and adults too!), loved having the chance to see Toby up close and give him a special pat.

Families also enjoyed a delicious Christmas feast together including all the classic favourites. It was great to see everyone come together from across our Victorian branches and enjoy this special meal.

Finally, Father Christmas arrived with all the kids (and parents!) very excited to meet the man in red. Each child received a special gift from Santa and the chance to tell him what they wished for Christmas.

All presents which weren’t given out on the day will be donated to the Father Bob Maguire Foundation.

Thank you to every one who joined us and we wish all our valued CMV Group employees a safe and happy festive season.

View photos from the event here